Duluth, South Shore, and Atlantic railway depot
Abstract/Description: | Transcription of newspaper articles regarding the building of a new railway depot with proposed locations on Front Street or Washington Street, a description of the final building, the removal of the old depot on Baraga Street, and the effects of these changes on the city. |
Subject(s): | Railroad stations Marquette (Mich.) Duluth, South Shore, and Atlantic Railway Company |
Date Created: | 1901-1904 |
Title: | Duluth, South Shore, and Atlantic railway depot. | |
Name(s): |
Perron, Wesley E., contributor Peter White Public Library, contributor Weekly mining journal (Marquette, Mich.), creator Superiorland Library Cooperative, contributor |
Type of Resource: | text | |
Date Created: | 1901-1904 | |
Physical Form: | notes (documents) | |
Extent: | 1 item | |
Abstract/Description: | Transcription of newspaper articles regarding the building of a new railway depot with proposed locations on Front Street or Washington Street, a description of the final building, the removal of the old depot on Baraga Street, and the effects of these changes on the city. | |
Note(s): |
Electronic reproduction of: Transcription of newspaper article : Weekly mining journal (Marquette, Mich.), 1901-1904. D.S.S. and A. RAILWAY DEPOT WEEKLY MINING JOURNAL May 11, 1901 P. 1 C.1 NEW DEPOT ASSURED, SOUTH SHORE ROAD WILL ERECT IT ON FRONT STREET PLANS WILL BE HERE SHORTLY, CONSIDERABLE GRADING ON THE SITE COMPLETED THIS WEEK, IT IS PRESUMED THAT STRUCTURE WILL BE COMMENSURATE WITH COMPANY'S IMPORTANCE AND CREDIATABLE TO THE CITY. As is generally understood at this time, Marquette is going to have a new South Shore Depot this year. The plans and specifications have yet to be received, so it is now impossible to go into a detailed description of the proposed new structure, which is to be located on Front Street, between Main and Spring Streets, on the company's land which has served the purpose of a yard for many yeare passed. The grading which has been going on at this point the passed week or ten days is now complete and the grade has been made level between Front and Third Streets, where heretofore there has been a considerable down grade to Front Street. The new depot will certainly go up this year, the preliminaries for its construction being arranged as soon as the plans and specifications are at hand. Not having these available yesterday, General Manager W.F. Fitch did not care to say much concerning the proposed structure, although he stated positively that its erection would proceed this season. The improvement will necessitate the moving of Pickands and company's coal office, which now occupies a section of the railroad company's land at the site of the proposed depot. Mr. Fitch was unable to state positively yesterday what disposition would be made of it, but it is presumed that it will be placed on some of the company's centrally located downtown realty. Questioned as to the authenticity of the report that the cut to the north of the depot site is to be filled, Mr. Fitch said that there was nothing in the story and that cut will remain in its present condition. The grading at the depot site has been completed this week. The grade at the Front Street front of the company's tract has been raised a number of feet, the filled ground slanting back to Third Street to a point where it makes an easy junction with the natual ground level. The fill was very expensive and a number of construction trains dumped hundreds of car loads of sand on the site to bring its grade to the desired level. There is general satisfaction here at the South Shores manifest intention to give Marquette a new depot. It has been hoped each season for a number of years passed that the company would see its clear to repalce the old structure which has done service for several decades and which has been and eye saw since days immemorable. Now that the road intends going ahead with the erection of a new depot it is presumed that the structure will be commensurate with the companies dignity and importance and that it will be a credit to the city. There is a story current that the company does not intend to complete the new depot this season, but that the conclusion of the work projected for the immediate furture will see the structure built to a height of but one story, but so arranged and constructed that it will be possible to add more stories and increase its size. This may be the case,but their can be little doubt that Marquette will finally get a hand some and creditable depot as a result of the South Shores progressiveness. The erection of the proposed structure will dress Front Street up wonderfully. The expanse of unoccupied frontage embraced in the site and utilized for yard purposes in the past has left a prominent gap on this thoroughfare and has detracted largely from its appearance, which would have been much better had its best side been occupied by a continuous line of business blocks. The new depot will fill in the gap nicely and its completion will work a great change in the appearance of the city's business district. GREAT CHANGES There is no question that the location of the depot on Washington Street would work great changes. A depot, particularly when it is the only one, in a city of Marquette's size, is an important in directing travel on the streets. It is an objective point for many people who are downtown with nothing in particular to do. They get into the habit of strolling to the trains and they soon gome to naturally seek and frequent the street leading to the depot. Just now front Street has the heaviest traffic of any of the Marquette throughfares. It is believed that the location of the South Shore depot on Washington Street would soon change this and that the latter street would shortly be the busiest of the city. Anyway this how the gentlemen who are endeavoring to secure the change on the South Shore plans look at it and they, some of them at least, are backing their opinions with hard money. This depot question has been generally discussed during the past few days. Many arguments, prop and con, have been submitted relative the proposed departure form the original plans. Of course opinion is pretty well divided, it being largely , if not inherly a matter of location The business men and property owners on the two streets effected are mainly concerned and the genral public regards the entire matter with a lack luster eye, it being, for the most part, indifferent to the location of the structure as long as it is finally built somewhere. WEEKLY MINING JOURNAL June 15, 1901 P.1 Co. 5 SITE IN QUESTION,SOUTH SHORE DEPOT MAY GO UP ON WASHINGTON STREET, MOVEMENT TO THAT END, LOCATION PROPOSED IS AT THE CORNER OF FIFTH, FRONTAGE OF TWO HUNDRED FEET WOULD COST $10,500 AND EFFORT IS BEING MADE TO RAISE THE MONEY BY SUBSCRIBUTUION. Front Street vs. Washington Street with the proposed new Shouth Shore Depot for a prize--this is the contest which has been waging during the past few days and which will be finally settled today. Up to a number days of ago it was suppose that the proposed depot would be build on the Front Street site which has been prepared for its reception during the past couple of weeks. It may yet go up there, but does not alter the fact that a number of Washington street property owners and business men have made a bold bid for the structure, their course being actuated by a belief that the location of the depot on Washington Street would tend to greatly enhance the value of their trade and reality. For a number of days these gentlemen worked without question or opposition but lately the Front Street business men and property owners have been bringing pressure to bear on and endeavor to secure the erection of the new building on the site originally chosen for it, or on the site of the present depot. It is proposed by the sponsors of the Washington Street scheme to give the South shore company the 200-foot frontage comprised in the Rassmussen, Adams and Winklor lots at the corner of Fifth Street. This property can be secured for $10,500 and it is proposed to raise this amount by subscription. The issue is believed to be in doubt. Over half of the money required for the purchase of the Washington Street site has been pledged, but it is always the last half in cases like the one under discussion, that comes hard. The gentlemen interested in securing a depot for Washington Street do not express themselves as confidant of the outcome of their efforts, although thy are still hopeful of the result. On Front Street this same feeling of uncertainly prevails to a considerable degree, although there is a fairly well defined belief that the depot will finally be erected on the South Shore Property between Main Street and the approcahed to the recently dismantled ore dock. FAVORS WASHINGTON STREET The South Shore officals are generally creditied with a preference for teh Washington Street location and it is said that, in theevent of the businessmen and property owners on this throughfare being able to turn over deeds for the three property's it is proposed to incorporate in the site, they would not hesitate a meiute about changing their present plans. Assurances to this effect were obtained before the Washington Street People bestirrred themselves to the ends thta the desired change might be made. With the South shore people sentiment does not figure. It is a question a more ecomonical h and ling of their trains. This would be obtained by locating the new depot at the corner of fifthe and Washington Streets, A site better in many respects than that of the present depot and infinetely perferable ot that of Front STreet. In the first place it is nearer the road's roundhosuse then either the present or proposed new site, this in itself being a destinct advantage then again it si so located that trains either East or West bound would run in or out of the depot without any backing or switching. If the new building is erected on Front Street South of Main its location will require that every train entering or leaving the city be shunted into the depot, causing a greater or less loss of time and a greater expense in h and ling. This may appear a small item, but it aggregiates a surpising total in the course of a 12 months' operation of a railroad. The south shore officials are cognizant of this fact thus favorable attitude toward the proposed Washington Street site. DAILY MINING JOURNAL DECEMBER 28, 1901 MAYBE NEW YEAR'S, NEW PASSANGER STATION SOON TO GO INTO SERVICE HANDSOME INSIDE AND OUT,INTERIOR ELEBAORATELY FINISHED AND WELL ADVANCED DOWNSTAIRS, GIVEN OVER ALMOST ENTIRELY TO ONE LARGE WAITING ROOM, WHILE SECOND STORY IS OCCUPIED BY OFFICES. It's the expectation and hope of general manager Mr.Fitch that the [unreadable] "qu asitBe ki espeusitoriaddrestisap@esh@g@r 178 880528£ Ty;thereafter, at otirewartleshkwbam@plin@MAR%aWR%YSn agg6gg go de swiswears Mr we and and and JP and H£eakt wdlifBAL M NW and % SM1ialdPaW*aefeLKeli Mi fa%BW'aM" 0 on; en se r .the contarctor fwh6 erected the building is ownstair portion-- 0 he usionse it 0 100 feet lonG 63 is to star 0 containes a ;ood-wised basement t fr co tructed ee," has been constructed with the idea of making it strictly modern and metropolitan. Many of Mr. Fitch's own ideazs, gained in the course of his long career as a railroad man have been incorporated as the work progress, with the result that the staion is particulary well adapted for the especial uses to which it is to be put. Their may be larger stations in the Lake Country, but there are certainly none more conviently arranged. The structure will cost complete,about $25,000, probably a little more. It is steam-heated and electric-lighted and is provided with ample water and sewer connections. In demensions, it is 105 feet long by 35 feet in width, is two stories high and containes a good-sized basement that is mainly uitilzed for the heating plant. The bulilding is constructed of Port Washington brown s and stone with cut stone trimming, and the slopping roof is of slate. On all sides of the staion, and projecting out over the platform, is a 8 foot awning-cons[struction] to correspond with the stone-which will shield from the rain or the sun. OFFICERS ON SECOND FLOOR The second story is given over entirely to the accomodation of departments of the general supertiedents, assistant superteirdents, train dispatcher and purchasing agent. The interior finish in this portion of the station is in Georgia Pine, the floor of hard wood, and the various apart- ments are well lighted but the numerous windows and by the glass partitions the offices are already occupied. The suite of two tooms in the end facing Front Street, house the purchasing agent and his force. Opening from this apartment and extending along the south side of the building are the quarters of the superintendent and assistant comprising five or six rooms, all connecting in each design for its particular purpose. At the west end of the floor the train dispacher holds sway and it is here that the trainmen's bulletin board is located. Along the north side of the building is the hall or passageway, leading from one of the purchasing agent"s rooms to the dispatcher's quarters, and onto this several of the superinten- ent's offices open. A visit paid Tuesday found all hustle and bustle in this portion of the station, and it was plainly evident that from Superintendent Lytledown, the forces in the various departments appreciate the great change that has taken place in the accommodations. So nicely is everything arranged, that the work can not but help being accomp- lished expediously and smoothly than was possible in the dingy and seattered quarters heretofore occupied. ONE LARGE WAITING ROOM With the exception of the ticket office, baggage room,ladies retiring room, and lavatories, the entire downstairs is given over to one large waiting room. The feature that firet strikes the visitor is the elaborate finish, unless perhaps it be the splendld arrangement of the various apartments. The finish in in natural birch--the great ceiling beams and all--given with the general scheme of decoration the large main room and appearance exceedingly pleasant to view and one that draws out exclamations of surprise. The ceiling are painted green shading down to a lighter tint of the same color on the walls down as far as the wainscoting, which is of reddish hue. The wainscotting used is something new in this part of the country, being of the lin- crusted walton make and holds prominant place among those features which go to make the room as pretty as it is. Hardwood is the material used in the floors. The seats which are stored at the station, ready to be put into place in rows, correspond with the wood finish and appearance, and are not only h and some but very comfortable as well; in the backs of each are stamped the initial of the railroad. Four public entrances lead from the platform into the waiting room, two on the north anf two on the south side of the station. On the south side, projecting out into the main room, is the ticket office, bay shaped, and containing two windows at which patrons will recieve attention. To the west, and extending along the end of the build- ing, is the baggage room from which private doors open onto the platform. A counter in part separates this apartment from the waiting room, so that in checking baggage it is but necessary to step to the counter to have one in this line attended to. It is along side the baggage room, by the way, that the stairs leading to the second story are located, the stairs consisting of two flights, running respectively from either side of the building. The Front street end of the station, which is bay shaped, is divided into two apartments, one the ladies retiring room-- where a mother may go to soothe her babe or a lady to retire for her quiet rest- and the other the ladies toilet room. A lavatory is provided for the men at the other end of the building adjoining the baggage compartment. MATERIAL MUCH DELAYED The work in progress is the decorXating of the big waiting room, and the painters are now drawing this to a close. Some of the radiators are not yet in place, and the bench chairs are still to be installed, but these features will not require much time and will have been attended to when the men of the bushes are through. When the ground was first broken for the station it was the anticipation that the structure would be completed and ready for occupancy bu the first of October, but as the work progressed one delay after another, due mainly to inability to procure material needed, postponed the happy event until now the h and one passenger station may come as a New Year's gift from the South Shore's genia1 general manager, who more than anyone else is disappointed that it wasn't possible to put the structure into commision before this. When the snow disappears in the Sprijg a star is to be made in the transformation of the grounds at the station. With the exception of the driveway at the north side of the station the paved sections at either end provided for the wagons, and the space taken up by the tracks, the grounds are to be converted into a pretty park, the work to be done under the direction of a l and scape artist, Trees, shrubbery and flowers will be put in, the plot will be seeded and Withal it is proposed to make the place a veritable beauty spot. An innovation in connection with the station, is the fact that the passenger cars lying in the yards are heated from the depot steam plant, the pipes running underground from the basement to the points at which they are tapped. Water pipes also extend to various portions of the yards and grounds, and sewer connections are provided as well. DAYS OF OLD DEPOT NUMBERED. Exactly what will be the fate of the old depot, has not yet been de- termined. Mr Fitch realizes as well as any other person that it has outlived its usefullness and is of no particular ornament to the city, and apparently it will be demolished in short order after the transfer to the new quarters is made. As concerna the new station, the pride taken by Mr. Fitch is pardonable. He had much to do, not only with th e archetecture and the selection of the materials, but with the general interior arrangement as well, giving the various features considerable of his time, and the result is the h and some and conveniently arranged structure that now st and s as a testimonial of his good judgment and to the progressiveness of the south shore. The new station is in full keeping with the fair name of "Queen City" of the Lakes , " and in it every citizen will take justifiable pride." WEEKLY MINING JOURNAL January 11, 1902 IS TO OPEN TODAY, NEW PASSANGER NOW TO GO INTO SER ICE, 10:40 O'CLOCK IS THE HOUR, THAT THE TIME OF ARRIVAL ST. PAUL MORNING TRAIN HANDSOME FINISH AND THE CONVIENT ARRANGEMENT OF THE ENTIRE OF THE STRUCTURE WILL BR A PLEASING REVELATION TO THE PUBLIC After many delays, very anoying to the officals it is now definetely announced that the new passenger station of the South Shore will be opened to the public today. The seven o'clock for the Copper-Country; the Northwestern train arriving; from Chicago at 8:05 and departing at 8:10, and the train levaing £or Duluth and for Chigaco via the St. Paul at 8:20, will be the last ulitize the odl depot. The new going into comminsion with the arrival Sf train #10. This is the Saint PUal train arriving her at 10:40 o'clock this morning, and following it all passagner trains either arriving or departing from the city will pull in and out at the h and some new structure. It is understood that hanger-on will not be allowed to make the station their headquarters as at times has been the case at the old one. A special policemen in the employ of the road will be there to preserve order and to keep all those persons who have no particular business at the station away from the grounds, and his efforst will be argumented by teh regular city force. During the progress of the building operations the new station has been visisted by a number of citzens, who have bben surpized at the h and some finish and the convient arrangement of the entior to all those who have not yet caught a climpse of that is within the walls, the station will be a pleasing revelation. A transformation such as is offered by the contrast between the old depot and the new could not well be greater and the city can with a pride entirely pardonable take on airs on the score of its atractive new structure. WEEKLY MINING JOURNAL April 2, 1904 OLD LANDMARK TO GO, FORMER SOUTH SHORE DEPOT TO BE TORNED DOWN FOR THE LUMBEAR A deal has lately been concluded between Mrs. SToll. Arch Street, and the South Shore company by which Mrs. Stoll comes into posession of the former South Shore depot on Barraga Avenue, around the corner from Front, with the underst and ing that she will tear it down without delay. The South Shore company this week removed all its material in storage from the building, and its demolition has alraedy been statred . It will be compeltely removed in the course of 6 weeks or two months. With the passing of the odl depot building the city will lose a l and - mark that has stood for nearly half a centry. The structure was buildt about the same time as the courthouse, in 1858. It was erected for James P. Pendill, for the many years a prominent resident of the city, and was attended for Hotel purposes but had a store or two on the first floor The contractor was Eusebe Reau, father of J.E.Reau, who also built the courthouse, the Summit House and other early buildings. The structure was known fro many years as they Tremont House, and in the early days, was the most pretentious hotel that the city bosted It caught all the transicent trade and was during the early years of the settlement the center of a good daeal of the twons activtely. Many of the older residents remeber very well when the structure was devoted tto the hotel business, and many of their pieroneers yaarns center about it The buliding is best known to latter generations as the South Shore Depot, having been occuppied for that purpose for about twenty years previous to the erection of the h and some, s and stone depot now during service. It was as the south shore depot that people learned to hate the venerable structure and to wish it all sorts of unkind fates. It had however, a charmed life. Its dry frame walls and dilapidation seemed to offer an easy target for fire, and locomotives puffed by it many times a day For several years, but although it was on fire, numerous times it seemed to possive peculiar powers of resisting the flames and never was the seat of a really serious blaze. Since it was aboned some tow years ago it has bee n used only for the storage of a little miscelaonous matarial, being to old and delipa ted to be utilized for any purpose of account. It has been regarede as a fire menace, and property owners in the neighboorhood are weel please with the knowledge that it is now to come down. |
Subject(s): |
Railroad stations Marquette (Mich.) Duluth, South Shore, and Atlantic Railway Company |
Restrictions on Access: | In the public domain (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/) | |
Is Part Of: | Wesley Perron Railroad collection. Identifier: SLC-017 | |
In Collections: |