Williams Album, page 28, part 1

Newspaper clippings and programs (1940 and 1942). Page is hand numbered "28". -- May 16, 1940 - Program is from play The Rock, director Miles Killmar at Hancock high school auditorium. A benefit for Crippled Childern of the County Orthopedic School. Cast in [description cuts out here]
Abstract/Description: Newspaper clippings and programs (1940 and 1942). Page is hand numbered "28". -- May 16, 1940 - Program is from play The Rock, director Miles Killmar at Hancock high school auditorium. A benefit for Crippled Childern of the County Orthopedic School. Cast in [description cuts out here]
Subject(s): Programs
Calumet (Mich.)
Michigan College of Mining and Technology
Date Created: 1942