Cloverland Magazine

At the turn of the 20th century, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan's forests had been largely felled, leaving fields of stumps surrounded by clover. Roger Andrews, a local businessman and newspaper publisher, joined with other businessmen and civic leaders to form the Upper Peninsula Development Bureau, which began a campaign in 1912 to rebrand the U. P. as "Cloverland." In 1916, Andrews began publishing Clover-Land, a promotional magazine that advertised farmland and featured articles proclaiming the advantages of the peninsula's land and climate, especially the benefits of clover for dairy producers. As it became clear that agriculture was not suited to the U. P. 's climate, the magazine began shifting its focus towards promoting tourism rather than relocation. This new focus was symbolized by the abandonment of the name "Cloverland" for "Hiawathaland" in 1927, and the magazine folded.

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