Gladstone Delta and Delta County Reporter Newspapers

The Delta began as a weekly newspaper published in Escanaba in 1886. In June 1887, they moved publication to the nearby city of Gladstone. Sometime between 1890 and 1901, the paper was renamed The Gladstone Delta. In 1918, it merged with the Delta County Reporter. From 1918 to 1922, the paper was titled "The Delta County Reporter and Gladstone Delta." Three issues were published per week in early 1918. The paper then shifted to two issues per week. After 1922, the paper was simply titled "The Delta Reporter." In July 1923, the paper shifted back to weekly publication. The paper continued until at least the 1930s. Its end date is unknown.

This collection consists of issues from 1886 to 1890 and from 1901 to 1930.

Because the number of pages was inconsistent and not every page has a date and page number on it, we are not always sure whether pages of the paper are missing. If pages are obviously missing (for instance, if there are an odd number of pages), it is noted in the metadata. Many of the microfilm reels were of rather poor quality, leading to blurry text and sometimes poor OCR. We recommend browsing this collection rather than searching it.

There are also many issues that are missing: 1903-05-16, 1907-04-27, and 1911-05-27, 1917-01-04 (possibly 1917-01-05), 1917-01-08, 1917-06-30, 1917-12-15, 1917-12-22, 1918-01-03, 1918-01-07, 1918-07-04, January 1919 to early July 1919 (except for two issues in June 1919), 1919-07-14, 1919-07-21, 1919-08-04, all of the second half of August 1919, many issues from September 1919, 1919-10-03 (possibly 1919-10-04), 1919-10-20, 1919-10-30, 1919-11-03, 1919-11-13, 1919-11-24, 1920-03-04, 1920-06-28, 1920-07-08 (or possibly 1920-07-09), 1920-08-05, 1920-08-23, 1920-08-30, 1920-09-12, 1920-09-27, 1920-10-11, 1920-12-13, 1921-01-10, 1921-03-17, 1921-04-14, 1921-05-09, 1921-08-15, 1921-11-22, 1921-12-16, 1921-12-27, most of January and February 1922, possibly 1922-03-10 (there are some pages marked 03-10 that are mixed in with the 1922-03-14 issue), 1923-12-28, 1925-12-25, 1925-12-31, 1926-10-22, 1927-03-25 (some pages from this paper might be mixed in with the 1927-03-18 issue. It is very hard to read the dates in that paper.), and 1930-12-12. In addition, publication in December 1919 was extremely irregular, so it is unclear if issues are missing from that month.

This collection came out of the general microfilmed newspapers collection at the Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives. You can see all of the newspapers that the NMU Archives has on microfilm here.