North Wind newspapers

The North Wind is an independent student newspaper at Northern Michigan University that began in 1972. In 2005, the North Wind began to publish online content. Some of this content mirrored the paper editions, but some was unique. In 2020, the newspaper switched to a digital-only format. To see the North Wind's digital content from 2005 to the present, see their website:

For some editions of the paper, only a poor quality, black-and-white microfilm copy is extant. In all cases, the best surviving copy of the paper was the one digitized. Microfilm was only used as a last resort. We apologize for any illegible pages in microfilm editions. There are two issues that are definitely missing: 1974-10-24 and 2014-08-21. There are also several gaps in the paper where there might be a missing issue or where no issue was published. (The publication schedule of the North Wind was often inconsistent, especially in the summer and over breaks.) These dates are: the summer of 1994, the summer of 1996, the summer of 1997, the summer of 1998, the summer of 2001, 2011-04-28, and December 2016.

See the full finding aid here.

Northern has had many student newspapers and literary magazines. For other student publications, see the Quill Magazine (a student literary magazine from 1914-1918), the Midget Quill Magazine (a publication of the John D. Pierce Training School from 1916-1927), the Northern News (a student newspaper from 1919-1972), the underground student newspapers (a collection of short-lived student publications in the 1960s and 1970s), the Campus Review/Northern News Review (a promotional newspaper put out by the university from 1972-1987), and the Nishnawbe News (a paper published by the Organization of North American Indian Students at Northern Michigan University from 1971 to 1983).