Manistique Saturday and Sunday Morning Star newspapers
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The Saturday Morning Star and the Sunday Morning Star were newspapers published in Manistique, Michigan in the 1890s. There are contradictions in historical sources about the newspapers, but it seems likely that the Sunday Morning Star was published from 1890 to 1891 and that it was re-named the Saturday Morning Star in 1891. The Saturday Morning Star appears to have been published from 1891 to 1893. Some sources claim that it merged with the Manistique Tribune, while others claim that it merged with the Manistique Semi-Weekly Pioneer.
This collection contains a relatively complete run of the Sunday Morning Star from October 1890 to June 1891 and one issue of the Saturday Morning Star from 1893. Because the quality of the original microfilm was poor and there are frequently ripped pages and missing chunks of the paper, the full-text search for this paper is not very accurate. We recommend browsing the paper if search does not return any results.
Issues of the Sunday Sun (another previous name of the Star) can be found in the Schoolcraft County Historical Society Newspapers collection.